Case Study

Population Health Engagement

How a large national health services organization increased program enrollment by over 200%.


A health services client sought to improve population health by boosting member enrollment in health programs to enhance care management and reduce medical costs.


Member segmentation was not refined enough to deliver personalized experiences, resulting in rising direct mail costs and decreasing call-to-action adherence. Leadership set a goal to reduce direct mail costs by 20% within 12 months.


  • Developed propensity-to-enroll models to identify members most likely to engage, learn, and enroll in wellness and preventive health programs.
  • Created and implemented member engagement campaigns leveraging email and telephonic outreach based on call-to-action and disposition behavior.


  • Propensity to enroll score used for micro-segmentation resulted in nearly 50% increase in call-to-action adherence to learn more about program eligibility
  • Once member engaged, overall program enrollment increases over 200% within a 12 month period.
  • Direct mail cost were reduced by over 30% in that same period by apply a precision mailing approach
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