How a large national health plan leveraged integrated capabilities to increase Medicaid enrollment by over 17%.

Data-driven insights identify risks early, enabling proactive, personalized outreach—like catching heart disease risks in patients who skip check-ups.
Predictive models trigger timely actions, like scheduling post-op follow-ups to prevent complications. Automated outreach across portals, apps, EHRs, and SMS closes care gaps.
Automated messaging keeps patients engaged with reminders and check-ins on their preferred channels—ensuring ongoing support without unnecessary office visits.
Smart reminders and behavioral insights make adherence effortless—like voice alerts helping elderly patients stay on track with medications.
Automated workflows sync patient interactions across touchpoints, ensuring seamless, personalized engagement at every stage of their care journey.
Data-driven strategies identify engagement gaps and health disparities, enabling targeted outreach that improves access, equity, and STAR performance.
Proactive, digital-first outreach ensures patients receive the right information, support, and next-best actions—whether in prevention, active care, or post-care recovery.
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How a large national health plan leveraged integrated capabilities to increase Medicaid enrollment by over 17%.