Top 10 Predictive Analytics Solution Companies – 2020

Today, predictive analytics has become one of the most commonly embraced intelligent automation technologies as organizations seek market and consumer insights to estimate the value of their businesses in the future. As business interactions around the world become increasingly digitized, large volume of data is generated. The data can be analyzed through predictive analytics tools to give users a deeper understanding of market dynamics and underlying trends.

Organizations across various sectors, such as retail and consumer packaged goods and healthcare, are now using the advantages of predictive data analytics to drive productivity and enhance operational efficiency. Predictive data analytics has enabled retailers and marketers identify the customer purchasing trends, track the users’ clickstream, and display relevant ads to their target customers. The healthcare industry uses predictive analytics to predict illnesses and forecast potential medical conditions to enable preventive care and diagnosis.

In this consumer-centered market, using advanced analytics tools such as predictive analytics and big data analytics is very important for companies to predict the future, identify patterns, and develop new business models rather than focusing on their past mistakes.

In this edition, CIO Applications features some of the innovative companies that are making great strides in predictive analytics solutions space. The solutions and services offered by these companies help organizations collate data points of their customers across all online and offline channels, cite actionable insights from it, and enable them to create a roadmap for growth accordingly.

We present to you CIO Applications’ “Top 10 Predictive Analytics Solution Providers – 2020.”

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